How to succeed at affiliate marketing businessYou want to know how to be successful at affiliate marketing business online, I know you are trying so hard with your business website and still there is no success.


But let me ask you, how do you measure the success of your business? What is the thing that you are doing to check if your website contributes for expanding your business?


I know we all in the affiliate marketing business care about adding consistently new content to our website just to impress the search engines and to go on the top of the first page.

Being on the top of the first page for all of us it means a lot of visitors which is good for our business.


But is this true or there is something that is more important to care about if we want to have success with our business. What do you think, what is your answer?


The simple answer is CONVERSION.


Let say, you could be on the first page on Google and receive a lot of visitors to your website, but the point is, how many of them are going to become your customers, I mean those one that really are buying from what you offer, which is very important.

Are you one of them who have a lot of traffic to your website, offering high quality products with reasonable price and still you don’t have customers to buy through your website?




The first thing that you need to know is the conversion rate. It doesn’t matter what are you observing, for example how many purchases of your offering are happened, and how many email of subscribers you’ve got or maybe the number of downloads for your eBook. Always you need to check and is of your business interest the conversion rate, the visitors who did action, the one who convert into your buyers.

If you want to check and to track your conversion rate on your website you need to use any of the analytics platforms online and if you never did this before is good to start with Google Analytics, which is wide known tool that most of us are using.

These Are the Main Reasons Why Your Conversion Rate is Low

These Are the Main Reasons Why Your Conversion Rate is Low


Your Website is Not Mobile-Friendly


Many of the new website owners never check if their website is mobile-friendly. This is one of the things that you don’t have to ignore, especially today in this technologically age of smart phones, smart watches and tablets; there is no excuse.

It’s not only to build a functional website you need also to make sure to be mobile-friendly.

So if your site is not mobile-friendly you are destined to be ignored (missed) by huge online audiences who are using mobile devices all around the world and is going to affect your conversion rate, which nobody likes.

Here is the link, where you can check if your site is mobile-friendly. Also you can ask your friends for feedback, so they will check the friendliness of your site on their cell phones and tell you what the issues are.


Your Website is Not SEO


Is not SEOYou might have a perfect designed website with beautiful visualisation, which is attractive for visitors’ eyes and even you have quality content. But what is all of that when cannot be found into the search engines. Nobody knows about your website, it will be like online ghost.

The only people who will know about your website are you and maybe few of your closest friends in case if you told them and nobody else, for sure.

In order your website to be found by your targeted audience, you need to be ranked on the first page in Google, Yahoo or any other search engine online.

The question is how to do that. The answer is simple; you need to do SEO – search engine optimization of your website.


Lack of CTA – Call to Action


The next reason for your low conversion is not having call to action – CTA on your website. Maybe your website is mobile and user friendly with original content, beautiful design and SEO optimized, but if you don’t have call to action; you cannot convert your visitors to potential customers.

Here are few examples the will help you to increase your call to action:


  • Promote a product relevant to your niche audience
  • Give to your readers opportunity to act, make to click on your affiliate link
  • Implement attractive headlines to keep their attenton
  • Placing the affiliate link in the proper place, easily to be found
  • Ask your readers for feedback
  • Offer something for free that will make them to subscribe to your email list


Visitors Don’t Like Your Website


Visitors do not like your websiteMaybe you have huge traffic to your website and your bounce rate is high, than somehow there is something that makes the readers run away, which is another problem for the negative conversion.

In this case you have the right traffic, but there is something that people don’t like about your site and is your duty to find out what are the problems.

Here are some of them that website owners frequently have and they are not aware like:


  • You have a lot of pop-ups and advertisements that readers are annoyed, which to be honest I don’t like them at all.
  • You need to check how is the navigation through your website
  • Maybe the content on your website has lack of appropriate information
  • You need to check the visuality of your website. Readers don’t like just another boring website with only plain text. Place some images or videos; make your website more attractive.


So take some of your time, check your website to uncover all problems as much you can to minimize the low performance in your online business.


You Are Not on the Same Page With Your Audience


You can build a website about anything, any kind of topic you love or you have interest, but don´t make it too broad. I mean don´t cover a lot of topics or trying to reach too broad audience, because this is wrong approach and for sure is going to give negative result.

When you write, don´t write too generally, write exactly for your targeted audience, and focus on the needs of your niche market.

Whenever you decide to write for your niche market, I suggest you first to do a properly research about the needs and what is demanding within your chosen audience.

Many times is happened the website to have a high traffic but the conversion rate to be low and the reason can be the wrong audience.


Slow Loading of Your Website


Slow loading of the websiteThe low site speed also is going to reflect negatively on your conversion rate. How many times is happened to you, when you visit a website that is loading slowly and you leave immediately.

It’s happened to me many times, and in the most cases I leave, I mean everybody does. The people don’t want to wait; they just skip the website and go to another one.

It is very important your site to load fast if you don’t want your visitors to go somewhere else. For every lost visitor, you lose the possibility to make a sale.

The reasons for slow site loading can be a lot, and I will number some of them like:


  • Check through your website for any broken link
  • Check the size of the images, because they can consume a lot of memory, and can slowdown the loading of the website
  • Also you need to optimize the images
  • Maybe your website is not mobile optimized
  • The slow loading can cause a bad hosting also


There are online services where you can check the speed of your site, they are free to use and you can use them anytime.


Final Thought


Can be also other reasons that your site is not converting, and is your duty to keep checking and looking to uncover the problems and solve them.

Most of the owners don’t care about reviewing the metrics of the website, which they should do it.


If you check the reasons I mentioned in this blog post which might cause the negative issues with your website and do changes, for sure you will get better conversion rate.

But to find out the real successful formula on how to be successful at affiliate marketing, still you need to do work on your website to check for other problems and make more improvements for positive results.

Best Regards!!!

Start Affiliate Marketing Business